
A Small Wardrobe

Minimalism of the wardrobe, home and mind

Five Ways Minimalism Has Changed My Life (ARCHIVE)

Five Ways Minimalism Has Changed My Life (ARCHIVE)

Originally posted September 16, 2017

People tend to speak highly of the benefits of minimalism. To be honest, when I started this blog a year ago, I was quite skeptical about some of the purported benefits. With time though, I have found that there are definitely some important ways minimalism has affected me.

Here are five ways minimalism has changed my life.

  1. It is easier to say goodbye to things. Minimalism has reduced my attachment to material objects. I have learnt that if something does not have a purpose, I can let it go. I have realised that the things I own are not that important.

  2. It is harder to buy things. Seeing just how easy it is for me to discard things has made me think harder about what I buy. I think carefully about any purchase I make these days. This even applies at the supermarket!

  3. I have become more concerned with the ethics of products. Now that I spend a lot more time considering purchases, I actually think about where my stuff comes from and how it is made. While it would be far fetched to say that all of my current choices are completely sustainable and ethical, I hope to learn more about this and make better shopping decisions in the future.

  4. I am a lot better at prioritising. Prioritising which items I want to keep and purchase has spilled into other parts of my life. I have become more selective in all aspects, including which work and leisure activities are most important.

  5. It is a lot easier to be authentic. Getting rid of physical clutter has somehow also helped me care less about things like social expectations. I am finding it so much easier to see what I honestly want from my relationships, career, and general ‘life’ these days.


Minimising Clutter of the Mind (ARCHIVE)

Minimising Clutter of the Mind (ARCHIVE)

Criticisms of Minimalism (ARCHIVE)

Criticisms of Minimalism (ARCHIVE)